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Archive by tag: car maintenanceReturn
Pitt Stop Detail & Auto Sales knows your winter is just beginning, but the toll on your vehicle is not. We have tips to get your car or truck ready for the season ahead. 
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When we buy any type of vehicle, we are making an investment. Pitt Stop Detail & Auto Sales wants to protect that investment in the best possible ways, which includes offering ceramic coatings for your car, truck, or SUV. Ceramic coating has many benefits and can be a great first step in tending to your vehicle’s needs.
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The lights on our cars, trucks, SUVs, and other vehicles do important work. With regular observation of your car, you will be able to tell when you may need headlight restoration. Pitt Stop Detail & Auto Sales have several maintenance tips, especially when it comes to thinking about the importance of headlight restoration.
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Whether planning for the upcoming holiday season, making a weekend trek to an away football game, or getting ready for your next cross-country trip, there is more to do than booking hotels and finding the next best diner in that sleepy small town. Pitt Stop Detail and Auto Sales has recommendations for what you can do.
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With all the road construction in our area it is no wonder more damage doesn’t happen to our vehicles. We are thankful for the smooth roads to get from place to place, but the delays, microscopic scratches, and potentially larger cosmetic issues can be a concern. One of the trickiest issues is tar as there can be significant damage that comes with this sticky substance. Pitt Stop Detail and Auto Sales has the tips you need for getting tar off your car.
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We know your car, whether for work or for pleasure, is a large part of your life. It carries you to the places you need to go, gives a source of weekend entertainment, or helps you get the things you need. As regularly as you may have the exterior cleaned and maybe even having the interior detailed, sometimes strange odors and smells pop up. Pitt Stop Auto Detail can help you discover what is causing these smells and help you get rid of them so your car is in perfect shape.
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With a noticeable change in the air, back to school in full gear, and the return of football, we can be thankful that fall is here once more. Along with unpacking your favorite long sleeved shirts and picking up your favorite coffee beverage, Pitt Stop Detail and Auto Sales has a few car care tips you want to follow.
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Every time we clean out our own car, we think that this time it’s going to stay that way. However, if you are anything like us, it’s only a matter of time before something gets spilled, something ends up in the seat, and trash piles up in all nooks and crannies of the car. While we can get rid of the dirt and dust, what do you do when there is a bigger issue like a stain or some other mess you need to show a little more attention to? Pitt Stop Detail has tips for you and can help with anything...
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Pitt Stop Detailing and Auto Sales loves to take care of your cars, trucks, and other vehicles, both inside and out. From paint correction to interior detailing, we have you covered. There are a number of items you may need to consider when making sure your car is in tip top shape. Here’s a spring maintenance checklist to keep your car up and running.
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