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Archive by tag: detailReturn
With a noticeable change in the air, back to school in full gear, and the return of football, we can be thankful that fall is here once more. Along with unpacking your favorite long sleeved shirts and picking up your favorite coffee beverage, Pitt Stop Detail and Auto Sales has a few car care tips you want to follow.
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Every time we clean out our own car, we think that this time it’s going to stay that way. However, if you are anything like us, it’s only a matter of time before something gets spilled, something ends up in the seat, and trash piles up in all nooks and crannies of the car. While we can get rid of the dirt and dust, what do you do when there is a bigger issue like a stain or some other mess you need to show a little more attention to? Pitt Stop Detail has tips for you and can help with anything...
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The summer heat wreaks havoc on all of us, people, animals, and, believe it or not, our belongings. Just like you might be wary of leaving certain items out in the sun for too long, you should be concerned about the damage the sun’s rays can have on your car. Our team at Pitt Stop Auto has some ideas to protect your car and prevent damage from happening in the first place.
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Pitt Stop Auto cares for your entire vehicle, inside and outside, from top to bottom. Our care goes far beyond a regular wash that just gets a little dirt and dust off the exterior. Instead, we focus on every detail, every nook, and every cranny to make sure that it looks as close to perfect as possible.
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Pitt Stop Auto Detail is the perfect place to have your car looking new, inside and out. We are also the perfect place for much more than cleaning. We offer a number of products and options that will cover your vehicle’s needs, all in one place.
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Pitt Stop Auto Detail knows the holiday season is filled with time in the car. From errands to holiday gatherings to trips to see loved ones, even during a very different 2020, time in your car increases right now. With all that extra time in your car, there are multiple reasons you will appreciate your car being detailed. 1. Less Stress- The cleaner your car, on the outside and the inside, the less stress you will feel, outside of all the extra holiday traffic. By removing all the dust, dirt...
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More so than most people, Pitt Stop Auto understands the way it feels when your car is clean. Even if it “just a car” for you, there is a little pride that comes from having all the dirt and grime washed away. As great as this feels on the exterior of your vehicle, it feels just as good when applied to the interior. Having your interior detailed is a great option and one we can help you with.
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Just like Pitt Stop Detail is about more than washing your daily driver, we are more than cleaning just cars in general. Our expertise of getting every detail on the inside and outside of your vehicle carries over into other ways we can help you. Now is a great time to see what we can do, as we help you make sure your boat, motorcycle, trailer, or RV is in its best condition.
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We are passionate about helping out customers have clean cars, inside and out. However, we understand that our passion for well maintained cars may leave a few questions with others, especially those who may not understand why detailing is so important to the longevity of your vehicle. At Pitt Stop Detail, we love to talk about cars and why we love to make them the best version we can.
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While we here at Pitt Stop Detail believe your car should be detailed on a regular basis for a number of reasons, there are some times in the life of a car that need extra attention. When you are getting ready to sell your vehicle, for whatever reason, one last detailing appointment is not only needed, but will reap economic benefits in the end.
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